
Damaged by Smoke: Is it Safe to Stay in a Home with Smoke Damage

If you have a house fire, you might wonder how long you need to leave your home, or if you even need to leave your home at all, particularly if only one or two rooms got damaged.

Is it safe to stay in a home with smoke damage? The answer is no. Here’s what needs to happen before you can move back in.

Hidden Dangers Lurk After a House Fire

As we all know, the most dangerous part of a house fire isn’t necessarily the flames. It’s the smoke. The same is true in the aftermath of a fire.

Smoke damage can continue to irritate your lungs and sinuses, making it difficult to breathe, and exacerbating underlying medical conditions. Coming into contact with smoke can also irritate your skin, and not only cause discomfort, but even damage.

Unfortunately, the byproducts of smoke (such as tar, carbon, and heavy metals) are just the beginning. The residual carbon monoxide can poison you.

It’s important to remember that the dangers of smoke don’t only exist in the room impacted by the fire. Once they get into your HVAC system, they can track through your whole house.

That’s why it’s so important to have a professional restoration company assess your house for smoke damage before you return home.

What Does a Fire Restoration Company Do?

Fire restoration companies begin their job by going through your entire home to look for hidden signs of smoke damage. Smoke can hide anywhere, including in fabrics, vents, pipes, and your walls. Because it’s not safe to live in a house with smoke damage, this part of the process is essential. Professional restoration companies have the technology needed to hunt down both evident and invisible damage after a fire.

Once they identify the problem areas, they use their equipment to clean all traces of soot and smoke away. The process also deodorizes the house, which is essential.

These are processes that you can’t do yourself. Restoration requires not only protective equipment, but specialized tools. If you use a store-bought cleaner or odor eliminator, you’re unlikely to get rid of the soot or the smell.

How Long Does Fire Restoration Take?

The fire restoration process varies on a case-by-case basis. The timeline depends heavily on the type of fire and the size and layout of your house.

A small home and minor kitchen fire might take three weeks. However, extensive fire damage can take months to remove it altogether.

Is it Safe to Stay in a Home with Smoke Damage? No!

After a fire, you might wonder, “Is it safe to stay in a home with smoke damage?” The answer is always no!

When the flames die down, and you’re allowed to re-enter, the smoke and soot remain. These pose a threat to your respiratory health. What’s more, you may not know the full extent of smoke damage until after you have a comprehensive assessment from a restoration company.

Getting rid of smoke damage is not a DIY project. It’s a job for Florida fire damage services. If you experienced a house fire and you’re wondering what to do next, get in touch with Barakat Restoration for a free inspection and estimate.

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