
The Ultimate Guide to Finding a Water Leak and Hidden Water Damage

Every home uses water. With so many pipes and appliances relying on the water in our homes, it isn’t hard to imagine that sometimes you may have to deal with a water leak at some point.

If water enters an area where it shouldn’t, it can quickly turn into an enemy and risk harming the furnishings or structure of a house. Unfortunately, plumbing leaks are rather common, even in recent homes, and it’s possible that every home will experience at least one of them.

Additionally, not all leaks are apparent; in fact, some can be very sneaky, making it imperative to find and fix a leak as quickly as possible. Read on for some tips on assessing whether you’ve sprung a leak and how to locate it so you can stop the plumbing issue. Every homeowner should be able to find a water leak!

1. Monitor the Water Bill

If your monthly water bill is particularly high and you haven’t been using more water than usual, there may be a water leak.

Monthly water costs are generally predictable. A family of four should normally use no more than 12,000 gallons per month, with the possible exception of the summer if you water a garden or lawn. Keeping an eye on your water bill is a wise, proactive habit because even little leaks, like a faucet with a constant drip, can waste up to 10,000 gallons of water annually!

2. Watch the Water Meter

Monitoring your home’s water meter will provide you with a clear answer if you suspect a leak.

Make sure the washing machine and dishwasher are not running and shut off all the water faucets in your house. Then, make a note of the figures you observe when you check the water meter. Check again when you return in an hour. There must be a leak somewhere if the numbers have changed.

3. Investigate Appliances

If the water meter test reveals a leak within your house, ensure sure the cabinets beneath the sinks in the kitchen, laundry room, and bathroom are dry.

Additionally, be on the lookout for puddles under the water heater, dishwasher, and clothes dryer as well as around the bases of the tubs, toilets, and showers. Turn off the water supply valve to that appliance or fixture if you notice any puddles, then use our water damage services.

4. Dye Test the Toilet

The toilet is a common location for interior leaks, so if you don’t see any puddles around fixtures or appliances, see if it needs to be repaired.

It’s possible for water to flow out of the toilet if the flapper isn’t working. You can use a bottle of food coloring and add a few drops to each toilet tank throughout the home. Within five minutes, the color will show up in the toilet bowl if the tank is leaking.

Now You Know How to Check for a Water Leak

A water leak, if left alone, can cause significant water damage to your home. That’s why it’s important that you keep your eye out for signs of water leaks and water damage so that you get ahead of the issue!

Still unsure of where that dripping sound is coming from? Or still unsure of where the leak is at? Check out our leak detection service to get the answers.

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